Quick Start

Sheet2DB Documentation

Welcome to Sheet2DB – your go-to tool for transforming your Google Spreadsheet into a powerful JSON API! This documentation is your one-stop guide to mastering the Sheet2DB API. Got questions? No worries, just reach out to us anytime on [email protected]. We're here to help!

Getting started

Let's start! First, make a fresh API in your dashboard (opens in a new tab). Check that your spreadsheet is set up right, with column names in the top row. Once you've made the API, we'll give you a special ID and we will call it as Connection ID.

Preparing Sheet

Sheet2DB utilizes the first row of your spreadsheet as a reference to structure the data below it. The format defined in the initial row serves as the blueprint for the data in subsequent rows, so it's important to ensure that it accurately represents your data structure.

There are no strict limitations on the types of data you can include in the rows following the first one. Whether you have numerical values, text, dates, or even empty cells, Sheet2DB will handle them seamlessly.

What is a request

In the context of Sheet2DB, a request signifies an interaction each time an application communicates with our platform. Whether requesting information from a spreadsheet or initiating alterations to its contents, these interactions are categorized as requests.

Enabling the cache does not affect the way requests are counted. Cache only affects the speeding up of responses and bypassing other limits.

Making first request

Now you are ready to make your first call to the Sheet2DB API. Below you can see how to send a GET request to our test API using CURL.

curl -XGET '<connection-id>'