Linkly Custom URL Shortener

Linkly Custom URL Shortener

Linkly is a custom URL shortener that offers domains, link geo targeting, retargeting pixels, tracking links and more.
  "enabled": null,
  "forward_params": null,
  "domain": null,
  "gtm_id": null,
  "utm_term": null,
  "slug": null,
  "id": 30,
  "head_tags": null,
  "og_description": null,
  "og_title": null,
  "ga4_tag_id": null,
  "cloaking": null,
  "rules": [],
  "note": null,
  "expiry_datetime": null,
  "custom_referer": null,
  "linkify_words": null,
  "og_image": null,
  "name": null,
  "deleted": null,
  "utm_medium": null,
  "full_url": "http://localhost:4000U",
  "referer_mode": null,
  "url": "",
  "fb_pixel_id": null,
  "utm_campaign": null,
  "utm_source": null,
  "body_tags": null,
  "workspace_id": 42,
  "utm_content": null,
  "expiry_destination": null,
  "block_bots": null,
  "replacements": null

Response example. If you want to see more check the documentation.

Linkly's URL Shortening API

Linkly's URL shortening API is documented fully here. Linkly's OpenAPI documentation is available here: Linkly OpenAPI Docs