An advanced profanity filter based on English phonetics (how stuff sounds). It will help you identify bad/swear words in a given text. It will also apply a mask on the detected words and censor it.
It is an intelligent filter btw. It will predict of any misuses and will also detect social media acronyms.
For example, fck will get caught as it should, but frck will not. Shat or shet will be caught as it should, but not shot.
- Tells you what swears and where they are used in a message
- Very resistant to filter bypassing attempts. Deviations to words will be caught and reported.
- Words with special characters can get caught.
- Words with certain deviations will get caught.
Currently works with English only. As well as detection and extraction of bad words you can also use this API to censor bad words from the supplied text.