Endato - Business Search

Endato - Business Search

Business searches on Endato API's include US Corporation data, FBN and FEIN, including bankruptcy, judgement, and lien data. Business data is matched to the individual; when researching a business, users are able to research who is behind a business or vendor.
    "businessV2Records": [
            "newBusinessFilings": [
                    "businessId": "97063695",
                    "businessUrl": null,
                    "dbaNameId": null,
                    "nbfSourceId": null,
                    "company": "Test",
                    "contacts": [
                            "companyFlag": "False",
                            "contactId": "10932157",
                            "contactTypeDesc": "OFFICER 5",
                            "contactTypeId": "18",
                            "genderId": null,
                            "genderTypeDesc": null,
                            "name": {
                                "firstName": "",
                                "fullName": "Test",
                                "lastName": "Test",
                                "middleInit": "",
                                "suffix": ""
                            "nbfRecordNo": "18960_20050633",
                            "nbfSourceId": "23477",
                            "titleId": "244",
                            "officerTitleDesc": "CONTACT",
                            "officerTitleId": "244"
                    "addresses": [
                            "addressType": "1",
                            "addressTypeDesc": "OFFICER 5 ADDRESS",
                            "addressTypeId": "18",
                            "barCode": "/9581467Test8/",
                            "carrierRoute": "C030",
                            "checkDigit": "8",
                            "commercialFlag": "True",
                            "dp": "21",
                            "dpUnknown": "-21",
                            "dpc": "87",
                            "errorNumber": "A1",
                            "ffApplied": "",
                            "financeNumber": "056678",
                            "lacs": "",
                            "lot": "0069",
                            "matchFlag": "",
                            "moveDate": "",
                            "moveType": "",
                            "nbfRecordNo": "18960_20050616",
                            "nbfSourceId": "23477",
                            "nxi": "",
                            "poBoxFlag": "False",
                            "residentialFlag": "False",
                            "status": "V",
                            "timeZone": "PST",
                            "fullAddress": "1812 19th, Apt 312; TestWA 98122"
                    "corpFlag": "NO",
                    "description": null,
                    "nbfRecordNo": "18960_20050616",
                    "emails": [],
                    "franchiseFlag": "NO",
                    "freqTypeDesc": "M",
                    "freqTypeId": "54",
                    "homeOffice": "NO",
                    "legalBusinessDescription": "CORPORATION",
                    "legalBusinessDescriptionId": "132",
                    "licenseTypeDesc": "CORPORATION",
                    "licenseTypeId": "131",
                    "nbeFlag": "YES",
                    "data": {
                        "courtCode": "3030080",
                        "filingNumber": "602508660",
                        "freqId": "54",
                        "importFileName": "wabl-may.dbf",
                        "licenseTypeId": "131",
                        "nbfDataId": "8573447",
                        "nbfProcessDate": "06/15/2005",
                        "nbfRecordNo": "18960_20050616",
                        "nbfSourceId": "23477",
                        "statusId": null
                    "nbfDates": null,
                    "filingHistoryDates": [
                            "date": "05/30/2006",
                            "dateId": "12910802",
                            "dateTypeId": "768",
                            "dateTypeDesc": "EXPIRATION DATE",
                            "nbfRecordNo": "18960_20050616",
                            "nbfSourceId": "23477"
                            "date": "05/18/2005",
                            "dateId": "28620323",
                            "dateTypeId": "767",
                            "dateTypeDesc": "SOURCE FILING DATE",
                            "nbfRecordNo": "18960_20050616",
                            "nbfSourceId": "23477"
            "usCorpFilings": []

Response example. If you want to see more check the documentation.

Fresh, Reliable, Real-Time Data.

From Startups to Fortune 500s, power your application with our robust APIs from over 295 million people profiles Research businesses as a tool to mitigate risk, fraud and further due diligence. Uncover any unknowns about potential business partners and vendors. Business searches on Endato API's include US Corporation data, FBN and FEIN, including bankruptcy, judgement, and lien data. Business data is matched to the individual; when researching a business, users are able to research who is behind a business or vendor. Learn more here