Endato - Business Search
Business searches on Endato API's include US Corporation data, FBN and FEIN, including bankruptcy, judgement, and lien data. Business data is matched to the individual; when researching a business, users are able to research who is behind a business or vendor.
"businessV2Records": [
"newBusinessFilings": [
"businessId": "97063695",
"businessUrl": null,
"dbaNameId": null,
"nbfSourceId": null,
"company": "Test",
"contacts": [
"companyFlag": "False",
"contactId": "10932157",
"contactTypeDesc": "OFFICER 5",
"contactTypeId": "18",
"genderId": null,
"genderTypeDesc": null,
"name": {
"firstName": "",
"fullName": "Test",
"lastName": "Test",
"middleInit": "",
"suffix": ""
"nbfRecordNo": "18960_20050633",
"nbfSourceId": "23477",
"titleId": "244",
"officerTitleDesc": "CONTACT",
"officerTitleId": "244"
"addresses": [
"addressType": "1",
"addressTypeDesc": "OFFICER 5 ADDRESS",
"addressTypeId": "18",
"barCode": "/9581467Test8/",
"carrierRoute": "C030",
"checkDigit": "8",
"commercialFlag": "True",
"dp": "21",
"dpUnknown": "-21",
"dpc": "87",
"errorNumber": "A1",
"ffApplied": "",
"financeNumber": "056678",
"lacs": "",
"lot": "0069",
"matchFlag": "",
"moveDate": "",
"moveType": "",
"nbfRecordNo": "18960_20050616",
"nbfSourceId": "23477",
"nxi": "",
"poBoxFlag": "False",
"residentialFlag": "False",
"status": "V",
"timeZone": "PST",
"fullAddress": "1812 19th, Apt 312; TestWA 98122"
"corpFlag": "NO",
"description": null,
"nbfRecordNo": "18960_20050616",
"emails": [],
"franchiseFlag": "NO",
"freqTypeDesc": "M",
"freqTypeId": "54",
"homeOffice": "NO",
"legalBusinessDescription": "CORPORATION",
"legalBusinessDescriptionId": "132",
"licenseTypeDesc": "CORPORATION",
"licenseTypeId": "131",
"nbeFlag": "YES",
"data": {
"courtCode": "3030080",
"filingNumber": "602508660",
"freqId": "54",
"importFileName": "wabl-may.dbf",
"licenseTypeId": "131",
"nbfDataId": "8573447",
"nbfProcessDate": "06/15/2005",
"nbfRecordNo": "18960_20050616",
"nbfSourceId": "23477",
"statusId": null
"nbfDates": null,
"filingHistoryDates": [
"date": "05/30/2006",
"dateId": "12910802",
"dateTypeId": "768",
"dateTypeDesc": "EXPIRATION DATE",
"nbfRecordNo": "18960_20050616",
"nbfSourceId": "23477"
"date": "05/18/2005",
"dateId": "28620323",
"dateTypeId": "767",
"dateTypeDesc": "SOURCE FILING DATE",
"nbfRecordNo": "18960_20050616",
"nbfSourceId": "23477"
"usCorpFilings": []
Response example. If you want to see more check the documentation.