What is Google Search Results API?
Google Search Results API, as the name implies, scrapes Google Search engine result pages (SERPs) and obtains a bunchful of organic and paid results along with ads, related links and more. It provides you multiple aspects of experience with the selection of custom country and/or language, and more, it’s capable of retrieving shopping results and mobile pages.
It extracts the followings when you perform a request:
- Organic results
- Ads
- Related queries
- Shopping results
Worth to mention, though, this API doesn’t scrape special types of search results for such as Google Images and Google News.
What is Input Parameters?
Specifying the location
You can make a geolocation aware search by specifying either the "uule" region parameter or the country parameter.
If the country parameter is set, the scraper will grab a random residential IP address from the country and make the actual call using it. We support more than 170 countries so far (yay!), so it is probably the most convenient way of making location aware searches.
As we suggested, It is also possible to set the uule parameter. To learn more about uule, just check here.
Specifying the browser language
Specifying the browser language is another way of performing the search. It is as simple as setting the "lang" parameter. It should be a 2-character language code.
Specifying the Google Domain
You can perform your search on any Google domains you’d like. Just pass the domain parameter with an actual value such as google.co.uk or google.ee and we'll use this google domain for search. It is best to use this parameter in combination with the country and lang parameters to mimic an actual user behavior.
Scraping Shopping Results
Google Shopping is a controversial but trending Google Service as it satisfies the beginner online shoppers. In order to fetch the Google Shopping results, just set the "shopping" parameter to true and there you go!
Emulating the mobile browser
It’s a piece of cake to set the mobile parameter to “true” and we'll use a mobile screen to fetch the results for you.
Fetching similar results
If you set the "show_similar" parameter to true, we'll also scrape the similar results from the search results.
Safe Results
As the saying goes “safety first”, taking care of minors’ safety is on the top. If you wish to scrape the child-safe results, just set the "safe_search" parameter to true and we'll take this request into account.
Pagination is as simple as setting the "start" parameter to any integer. We'll scrape the results starting from that value. If your first page has 10 results, than setting this parameter to 11 will grab the results from the second page. So simple.
What is use cases for Google Search API?
Let’s face it: we ask Google more than anyone else! It's the major key of our daily internet experience. Every business cares about how they rank on Google and would try anything to get on top of another one. Unfortunately, there isn’t any public API Google Search provides -for now- so the ultimate solution to oversee the search results and ranking is to use a web scraping tool.
Typical use cases for Google Search Results API include:
- Search engine optimization (SEO) is the first thing that comes to mind. It gives you the insight you need for your website’s performance on Google Search results and ranking.
- You can track how your competitors' are doing by checking both organic & paid results.
- You can check the ads for certain set of keywords and see what’s the trend
- You can scrape and collect reviews about a specific kind of products for further market research and trends
How to try Google Search API?
Just subscribe to this API for free and start experimenting. There is a free tier available and no credit cards are needed to try
Sample code
Running a simple query is as simple as below. The only required parameter is "q", the rest is optional.
curl --location --request \
GET 'https://api.apilayer.com/google_search?q=greenland' \
--header 'apikey: YOUR API KEY'
The results are pretty self explanatory. Just check them yourself.
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"display_link": "en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Greenland",
"title": "Greenland - Wikipedia",
"description": "Greenland is the world's largest island, located between the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, east of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. It is an autonomous territory ..."
"rank": 2,
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"display_link": "visitgreenland.com",
"title": "Greenland - The Official Tourism Site. Find your adventure ...",
"description": "All about Greenland. Find travel offers and ideas for your next adventure. Get inspired and plan your trip to Greenland here."
"rank": 3,
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"display_link": "www.britannica.com › ... › Islands & Archipelagos",
"title": "Greenland | History, Geography, & Culture | Britannica",
"description": "Greenland, the world's largest island, lying in the North Atlantic Ocean. Greenland is noted for its vast tundra and immense glaciers. Map of Greenland highlighting ..."
"rank": 4,
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"display_link": "www.imdb.com › title",
"title": "Greenland (2020) - IMDb",
"description": "Directed by Ric Roman Waugh. With Gerard Butler, Morena Baccarin, Roger Dale Floyd, Scott Glenn. A family struggles for survival in the face of a cataclysmic ...",
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"text": "Rating: 6.5/10",
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"display_link": "nsidc.org › greenland-today",
"title": "Greenland Ice Sheet Today | Surface Melt Data presented by ...",
"description": "Melting through the peak of Greenland's summer melt season has been well above the 1981 to 2010 average, but below the levels of many ...",
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"text": "Aug 12, 2020",
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"display_link": "www.bbc.com › news › world-europe-18249474",
"title": "Greenland profile - BBC News - BBC.com",
"description": "Greenland is the world's largest island and an autonomous Danish dependent territory with limited self-government and its own parliament.",
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"text": "Jul 23, 2018",
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"display_link": "www.bbc.com › news › science-environment-54127279",
"title": "Climate change: Warmth shatters section of Greenland ice ...",
"description": "A big chunk of ice has broken away from the Arctic's largest remaining ice shelf - 79N, or Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden - in north-east Greenland.",
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"text": "Sep 14, 2020",
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"display_link": "www.cia.gov › library › publications › the-world-factbook › geos",
"title": "North America :: Greenland — The World Factbook - Central ...",
"description": "View Greenland Photo Gallery. ONE-PAGE SUMMARY. View 25 photos of. GREENLAND. TRAVEL FACTS. The World Factbook Country/Location Photo Gallery ..."
"knowledge": {
"name": "Greenland",
"description": "Greenland is the world's largest island, located between the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, east of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. It is an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark.",
"description_source": "Wikipedia",
"description_link": "#"
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"link": "https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&adtest=on&gl=us&uule=w+CAIQICINVW5pdGVkIFN0YXRlcw&q=greenland+population&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiI3Mrb6_rrAhUQPK0KHZEQCXMQ1QIoAHoECCcQAQ",
"text": "greenland population"
"link": "https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&adtest=on&gl=us&uule=w+CAIQICINVW5pdGVkIFN0YXRlcw&q=greenland+people&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiI3Mrb6_rrAhUQPK0KHZEQCXMQ1QIoAXoECCcQAg",
"text": "greenland people"
"link": "https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&adtest=on&gl=us&uule=w+CAIQICINVW5pdGVkIFN0YXRlcw&q=greenland+map&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiI3Mrb6_rrAhUQPK0KHZEQCXMQ1QIoAnoECCcQAw",
"text": "greenland map"
"link": "https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&adtest=on&gl=us&uule=w+CAIQICINVW5pdGVkIFN0YXRlcw&q=greenland+country&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiI3Mrb6_rrAhUQPK0KHZEQCXMQ1QIoA3oECCcQBA",
"text": "greenland country"
"link": "https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&adtest=on&gl=us&uule=w+CAIQICINVW5pdGVkIFN0YXRlcw&q=greenland+trailer&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiI3Mrb6_rrAhUQPK0KHZEQCXMQ1QIoBHoECCcQBQ",
"text": "greenland trailer"
"link": "https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&adtest=on&gl=us&uule=w+CAIQICINVW5pdGVkIFN0YXRlcw&q=greenland+capital&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiI3Mrb6_rrAhUQPK0KHZEQCXMQ1QIoBXoECCcQBg",
"text": "greenland capital"
"link": "https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&adtest=on&gl=us&uule=w+CAIQICINVW5pdGVkIFN0YXRlcw&q=nuuk,+greenland&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiI3Mrb6_rrAhUQPK0KHZEQCXMQ1QIoBnoECCcQBw",
"text": "nuuk, greenland"
"link": "https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&adtest=on&gl=us&uule=w+CAIQICINVW5pdGVkIFN0YXRlcw&q=greenland+tourism&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiI3Mrb6_rrAhUQPK0KHZEQCXMQ1QIoB3oECCcQCA",
"text": "greenland tourism"
"people_also_ask": [
"question": "Is Greenland a safe country?",
"question_link": "https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&adtest=on&gl=us&uule=w+CAIQICINVW5pdGVkIFN0YXRlcw&q=Is+Greenland+a+safe+country%3F&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiI3Mrb6_rrAhUQPK0KHZEQCXMQzmd6BAgaEAw",
"answer_source": "Is Greenland Safe? 8 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Went",
"answer_link": "#",
"answer_display_link": "www.worldnomads.com \› how-to-stay-safe-while-exploring-greenlandwww.worldnomads.com \› how-to-stay-safe-while-exploring-greenland",
"answer_html": "Greenland is not a place you have to worry about crime. According to the statistical website, Numbeo, Greenland rates as low for crime and high for safety.Oct 24, 2019"
"question": "Can people go to Greenland?",
"question_link": "https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&adtest=on&gl=us&uule=w+CAIQICINVW5pdGVkIFN0YXRlcw&q=Can+people+go+to+Greenland%3F&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiI3Mrb6_rrAhUQPK0KHZEQCXMQzmd6BAgaEBc",
"answer_source": "How to Visit Greenland and What To Do While You're on the Island",
"answer_link": "#",
"answer_display_link": "www.eaglecreek.com \› trending-2018-how-and-why-visit-greenlandwww.eaglecreek.com \› trending-2018-how-and-why-visit-greenland",
"answer_html": "No flights go directly to Greenland from North America, so the simplest option for tourists from this side of the globe involves going through Reykjavik, Iceland. From there, you can fly to several cities on the island, including Nuuk\—Greenland's capital and largest city with around 15,000 residents.Dec 11, 2017"
"question": "What country owns Greenland?",
"question_link": "https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&adtest=on&gl=us&uule=w+CAIQICINVW5pdGVkIFN0YXRlcw&q=What+country+owns+Greenland%3F&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiI3Mrb6_rrAhUQPK0KHZEQCXMQzmd6BAgaECM",
"answer_source": "Greenland profile - BBC News",
"answer_link": "#",
"answer_display_link": "www.bbc.com \› news \› world-europe-18249474www.bbc.com \› news \› world-europe-18249474",
"answer_html": "DenmarkGreenland is the world's largest island and an autonomous Danish dependent territory with limited self-government and its own parliament. Denmark contributes two thirds of Greenland's budget revenue, the rest coming mainly from fishing.Jul 23, 2018"
"question": "What is Greenland best known for?",
"question_link": "https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&adtest=on&gl=us&uule=w+CAIQICINVW5pdGVkIFN0YXRlcw&q=What+is+Greenland+best+known+for%3F&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiI3Mrb6_rrAhUQPK0KHZEQCXMQzmd6BAgaEC0",
"answer_source": "Greenland | History, Geography, & Culture | Britannica",
"answer_link": "#",
"answer_display_link": "www.britannica.com \› place \› Greenlandwww.britannica.com \› place \› Greenland",
"answer_html": "Greenland, the world's largest island, lying in the North Atlantic Ocean. Greenland is noted for its vast tundra and immense glaciers."