Nudity Detection classifier is available as an API to integrate with existing applications. The API accepts an image file as binary data or a URL and flags it as naked content respectively, in real-time.
Classifier computes a score on a 1 to 5 scale for the content passed to it. A score of 5 would mean that the content is most likely nude while a score close to 1 would imply the content is safe to be published. In most cases, value of 4 is safe to go.
The classifier is intelligent enough to identify swimsuits and will identify them as "unlikely".

Photo by Ryan Christodoulou on Unsplash
The API will return the following response for that photo.
{ "description": "Unlikely contains adult content", "value": 2 }
You shall decide on how much nudity is accepted on your platform. If you wish to be 100% safe, you shall choose 1 as your threshold value.