An AI-powered online converter that converts pdf to word, excel, text etc.
                  {"retcode":"200","msg":"Conversion success.","data":{"filename":"example.docx","link":"https://pdfocr.org/doc/example.docx","available pages":2000}}

Response example. If you want to see more check the documentation.

How This API Works

Based on the latest AI technology, PDFOCR API lets you convert your PDF file to variouse file formats in a wide range of languages at greater accuracy

Sending a Request

You need to register and get your API key before proceeding. More detailes can be found in the API documentation.

Once you get an API key, please send your file along with the data to the endpoint here https://pdfocr.org/ocrapiv1.html

The required data includes: your API key, the language of your file, the ext of the file you want to convert to, and if you need OCR or not. A sample request would be like:

files = {’file’: ("example.pdf", open("path/to/example.pdf","rb"),"application/pdf")}

data = {"apikey":"your key","lang":"English","filext":”.docx","ocr":1}

Receiving a Response

When your pdf file is successfully converted, you will get a response in JSON, a successful response would be like:

{"retcode":"200","msg":"Conversion success.","data":{"filename":"example.docx","link":"https://pdfocr.org/doc/example.docx","available pages":2000}}