This API provides access to our Automotive Data. Use of this API is subject to our Terms of Service.
If you signed up through RapidAPI, you can make your test calls. Your RapidAPI credentials will not work on this page.
The general workflow is to:
1. Authenticate with your CIS Automotive API Keys to get a JSON Web Token (JWT). Do not use RapidAPI keys.
2. Then use that token as an argument when calling other endpoints.
Equivalent HTTP GET and POST methods are available for some endpoints.
Endpoints may appear more than once on this page if they are associated with multiple tags, e.g., "Sales Data", "Premium", "Pro Plan or Greater". To see which endpoints are included in different plans, look under the "X Plan or Greater" tags for the
respective plan name.
If you signed up for our API through RapidAPI, you can make your test calls. Your RapidAPI credentials will not work on this page.
Do not use your RapidAPI keys on this page.
If you signed up with us and have an account, you must first authenticate with your API Keys and retrieve a JSON Web Token (JWT) from the /getToken endpoint to access the other endpoints.
Your JWT is a required argument for all endpoints.