

InsideBnB provides data for business intelligence on short-term rentals.Get Airbnb listings details, rooms, prices, availability, reviews and more using listing IDs, geo coordinates or “market”.
                  {"requestId": "673352d8-cf6e-4f04-a4ed-30e0f20bac71","processedProperties": 477,"mediumPrice": 77.75195893001892,"mediumAvailablePrice": 90.26304801670146,
"availability": 3.235611996757633}

Response example. If you want to see more check the documentation.

Get Airbnb listings details, rooms, prices, availability, reviews and more using listing IDs, geo coordinates or “market”. Data analytics endpoints are also available to get detailed info around all airbnb accomodations. While our data are not in real-time, we strive to update them as frequently as possible. When you request property prices, details, or statuses, we prioritize updating that property multiple times a day. Here a description of the endpoints: Find listings ids using listingsByLatLng and listingsByMarket endpoints Get listing details update time (last_updated), availability/price update time (last_avail_check) and ratings update time (last_ratings). Based on those data, you will be able to proceed with the specific details or availability/prices requests or not. Here some additional technical details: Endpoind that requires “offset” query parameter returns 50 results. So offest request parameter is = 0 you’ll get results from 0 to 49 (first result is always 0). If you use offset 10 you will get results from 10 to 59. If you use offset 50 you will get results from 50 to 99… and so on. Listings prices are expressed in native property currency. Native currency is reported by properties details endpoind. Native currencies can be different from local currencies (depending on the host preferences). The range parameter, when used, is automatically maxed to 20.000 and distance is in meters.