LinkShrink: Keep your links short and secure

LinkShrink: Keep your links short and secure

Make long links tiny and secure, with optional expiration, and optional usage count
  "id": "f96dd0b2-4d91-4795-8214-20dbc7973b8d",
  "shortLink": "bpLTO",
  "link": "",
  "password": null,
  "expirationTime": null,
  "enableExpiration": null,
  "message": null,
  "numberOfValidity": null,
  "numberOfValidityMax": null,
  "enableNumberOfValidity": null,
  "projectSeedId": "44102c76-8bdb-4fb3-95b3-da01468b1e3e",
  "createdAt": "2024-02-15T16:19:38.000Z",
  "updatedAt": "2024-02-15T16:19:38.000Z"

Response example. If you want to see more check the documentation.

LinkShrink: Keep your links short and secure


  • https


  • Link
  • POST /link
  • Save user long link and return short link
  • Link
  • GET /link
  • Retrieve all the user created links
  • Link
  • DELETE /link
  • Delete a link with the id as a parameter in the body.
  • LinkCheck
  • GET /link-check-has-password/{shortLink}
  • Check if the link has a password or not. It takes the short link as a parameter in the url.
  • Link
  • POST /link/{shortLink}
  • Retrieve the link with the short link as a parameter in the url. It takes the password


  • Link
  • LinkCheck
  • LinkDelete